What is Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

     Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence means a computer program that can think on its own, and can do the things which humans even cannot do. And this is not a matter of far future. It has all arrived. Even today it is happening! You don't know! And you don't even know the speed with which it is developing in our world. Artificial intelligence is of 3 types. weak a.i., strong a.i., and singularity a.i.. You don't know but you use a.i. all the time. Alexa, Apple's Siri, and Google Assistant, these are some artificial intelligence. But in today's world, we are using weak a.i's.. But the time when the computer became equal to the i.q. of humans, then they will be called strong a.i.. And if the time has come when these computers move even 1 percent ahead of humans in intelligence, then after that event, those computers will be called singularity a.i.. But the fact is that today we have only weak a.i's. You don't know how they are controlling your life now. Lets take examples of weak a.i's., If you like any page on facebook, lets say you
like a comedy page, then you notice that facebook recommends you same related pages. And the kind of videos you watch on youtube, similar videos youtube recommends you to see more. If you buy something online, suppose you bought a camera, then that website shows you thousands of similar cameras and related products. What you buy, the A.I. of that website tracks it and brings you such products. This is called machine learning. However this kind of computer brain is very useful for us, but here we are not talking about it, we are talking about the A.I. which is more dangerous than this. There is a law that we call moore's law, and this law says that - all the transistors in world that are connected to computers, will become double every year. And when the first computer was made, this law has been true since that time. Right now, artificial intelligence is not among us that can make destruction, but thinkers believe that it can come anytime in the next 60 years. Some thinkers also say that it will b among us within just 20 years.  We are talking about that dangerous intelligence. Many of the most intelligent people who share technology and study the coming world, many of the researchers think that A.I. will be the most dangerous invention ever created by us. And this will be the biggest threat to our civilisation till date. Stephen Hawkins has not once in life but repeatedly said that, A.I. could end mankind. People who know and study about a.i. have also said some such statements like 'A.I. will b our last invention' , 'A.I. will be the end of our world', and many more statements.


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