Details about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

    Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Details about Artificial Intelligence (A.I)

 If we lost the control of computer brain, then there will be a fight in this world. A fight that will take place between humans and computers! A fight that humans will never win!

And why wont we win? Because if computers can create their own language, and can speak, and develop themselves, if all combined and if it become a very intelligent A.I., then their intelligence will be more than a human mind. Nothing in this earth has more intelligence than humans. But if computers were able ton do this this will be the most dangerous thing. No matter what method we adopt or how much we try, we will not be able to beat this robots, because their mind power will be unlimited times more than a human mind. It would be like an ant fighting a human being. That ant there is us humans, and this human is that robots, if we compare then. You must be
knowing that among all the creatures living on this earth, we are most superior of all them, even in intelligence and everything else. And that's why humans have been ruling this earth for years. Bur today let me tell you a fact that if you are compelled in humans and apes, then you will be surprised to know that, apes are very close to humans in terms of intelligent. If the intelligence of apes is 55, then humans have 60. Means there is only a slight difference between the two, but that small gap changes a lot. We have developed so much that we can build any possible buildings and machines, and we can speak among us. But, on the other hand, apes can't do these things after being so intelligent. If we compare this earths creature then the least will get mice, that is 1, dolphins will get 4 points, chimpanzees will get 7, and humans, whose intelligence is little close to chimpanzees, will get 9 points.

And maybe after hearing this, smoke start coming from your ears that if there was development of a i, then it would get 1000 points or more, easily. Despite how powerful the human mind is, it got only 9 points. This is because the size of brain in limited and it is present inside the skull. So the neurons of human mind can only come in limited quantity due to limited space. But unlimited power can come in computers and a i could store it very comfortably. After few years of this, when their processors will increase 1000 times more, then they will be able to access a lot of computing power. A lot means very very lot, virtually unlimited. Means increasing technology too much will prove too dangerous for us. You must know that communication is done at very high speed in the computers, that is 3 lakh kilometers per second. The communication between neurons of human mind is only 400 kilometers per hour, which is nothing infront of communication speed of computers. If they were able to communicate at this speed then they can do anything they want. Now listen carefully! if the computer mind became singularity then the story will begin of the end of humans. Today's a i is that weak a i. Like finding something, listening to you and answering to you. But it is evolving slowly. Evolving means we ourselves are developing it, in the name and sake of technology.

But this question must be coming in your mind that this dangerous a i will take how much time to come in our world? Some thinkers have assumed that this will come by 2060! and some thinkers also believe that this will come by 2030. Now you must be wandering that how it can be developed so soon? So you must see the acceleration growth in technology on internet. You will see that there is a terrible curve in the graph in 100 years. This means that within 100 years, we have developed so much that we haven't developed in the whole history. Thinkers say that singularity event
will surely happen at sometime. But what will happen if singularity a i will be developed? The answer would be that humanity dosen't know the answer. But there are lot of theories which are very interesting. If singularity came in this world then 2 things can happen. Case 1: Humans will extinct from this world due to artiburroness of computers. or Case 2: Humans will immortal forever. Just like humans are of two kinds, good and bad, thinkers also think that robots will also be of two kinds. They will be for good works or bad works, we don't know. If you tell humans to develop a medicine that will never let us die, then they will not be able to do it. But if we tell a i to develop it, then there are possibilities that they can develop it. If we talk about the humans today, then there are more number of good people, and that's why this world is balanced, but we don't know what will happen in robots.


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